September 22, 2024

A Country Run by Extreme California Socialists (Circa 2020)

Get Ready for President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi [Excerpt]

By Wayne Allyn Root

September 20, 2020


But don't worry about Biden. No need to ever mention him again. He's just the placeholder. He'll be president in name only.

With a President Kamala Harris and Vice President Nancy Pelosi running the show, there is no debate, no question, on what you'll get: THE END OF AMERICA.

And, of course, the end of the Republican Party.

Nothing should scare Middle America and independent voters more than a country run by two radical, extreme California socialists who turned California into a real-life "Nightmare on Elm Street" with rampant crime; an economy still closed down for COVID-19; the most welfare recipients and homeless in America; millions and millions of illegal aliens protected in a sanctuary state; streets littered with drug needles, poop and pee; and the highest taxes in America.

Here's what you can expect from President Harris and Vice President Pelosi. They will open the borders like never before in history. They will defund and disband Immigration and Customs Enforcement. They will offer free health care to everyone in the world. Soon there will be 300 million, 600 million, even a billion new arrivals at our borders.

And since we're offering free health care, it's guaranteed many of them will be sick and stick American taxpayers with the enormous bill. Not just pregnancy, cancer, heart disease, diabetes or COVID-19 bills, by the way. They'll expect hundreds of thousands of free $150,000 surgeries for transgender people.

You -- taxpayers who never had anything to do with slavery -- will have to pay trillions of dollars in reparations to people who were never slaves.

You'll be wearing masks for life -- outdoors, indoors, everywhere. If anyone remains sick with COVID-19 or influenza, the economy and your business will be closed for years on end.

Voting will be mail-in forevermore, with no ID required. Illegal aliens will officially receive the right to vote. The Electoral College will be canceled. The Supreme Court will double in size, and nine new liberal judges will be added.

And we'll quickly add two new states: Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., along with four new Democratic senators. The Senate will have a Democratic majority for life.

Your suburban life will be destroyed with forced low-income, high-density government housing. Say hello to the streets of Chicago.

And capitalism will be destroyed once and for all, with massive tax increases, draconian regulations, $90 trillion spent on the Green New Deal and trillions more spent on free "Medicare for All."

That's America under President Kamala Harris (whose voting record in the Senate is to the left of crazy socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders), Vice President Nancy Pelosi, the Commie Squad as the Cabinet and Justices Obama and Mad Maxine.

What Would a President Harris Mean for Whites?

By Gregory Hood

August 13, 2020

Senator Harris’s most worrying policies would be for “combating violent hate.”

She plans to commit $2 billion to investigate, disrupt, and prosecute domestic terrorists.” This includes making it a “priority” for the FBI to “more vigilantly monitor white nationalist websites and forums – consistent with well-established legal requirements and civil liberties protections – where extremists discuss and encourage violent acts.”

The next sentence reads, “This will put pressure on online platforms to take down content that violates their terms and conditions.” She therefore wants the federal government to pressure platforms to remove legally permissible speech, not just violent content. She would also tell the FBI to “identify and penetrate extremist networks and seek Domestic Terrorism Prevention Orders to preempt terrorist attacks.”

Her plan is silent on antifa and black identity extremists. She has only whites in her crosshairs. And if the federal government splashes out billions to combat “hate-based violence,” the bureaucracy will invent a threat to justify its existence. We already see this in the “non-profit” sector, where phony hate crimes justify constant fundraising.

As I write this, Joe Biden is invoking the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville as a specter of white terror. The violence that day was the city’s fault. However, even if we accept the worst possible interpretation and blame “white nationalists” for everything, Charlottesville was a picnic compared to the riots, property destruction, and deaths that have gripped the country since George Floyd’s death. President Trump’s timid efforts to grapple with this violence, which Democrats openly opposed, are far less intrusive than Kamala Harris’s plans.

Would President Harris do what she says? Her record suggests she would. As a district attorney in 2005, she rejected suggestions from her staff that defendants be informed of police misconduct. She changed policy only after a political scandal. In 2013, she refused to defend the state’s ban on same-sex marriage because she disagreed with it, even though it was her job, as California attorney general, to defend state law. In other cases, she pursued her duty to a fault, fighting against compensation for men wrongfully convicted. In one case, she did her best to keep a man in prison even after a judge tossed the conviction on the basis of police misconduct, incompetent defense, and a lack of evidence. The man was allegedly tied to a Nazi gang, but the case was so outrageous that even Jacobin blasted Kamala Harris for it.

Sen. Harris is not particularly extreme by today’s standards, but her life is about acquiring power. Once she has it, she would surely wield it against us. She is likely to restrict freedom of speech and other constitutional rights. Even those who have criticized her in the past would cheer it on.

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