The Truth About Global Warming
Too many bodies and not enough resources to sustain us -- that's what many scientists are saying in terms of global warming and how we must curb the fallout. Human vs. animal populations are now on the chopping block. Which one do you think should be pushed aside so we can save the planet? [Editor's Note: Plants absorb CO2 and emit oxygen as a waste product; humans and animals breathe oxygen and emit CO2 as a waste product -- the global warming alarmists believe that in order to save the trees ('Mother Earth'), we must reduce human and animal populations. In other words, only a select few should be allowed to live.] - Humans vs Animals -- To Reduce Global Warming, Which One Needs to Go, Bob Kurz, December 22, 2009The Earth is now entering a phase with unstoppable and dramatic global cooling, which will initiate a new Little Ice Age within the next decade. The cause of this cooling is the predicted, and now real, reduction in solar activity that we now can see. These conditions will persist during the next solar cycles. This will have a devastating effect on agriculture, lowering food production and increasing the risk of widespread famine. This will also increase the demand for fuel. - Global Cooling Is Now Imminent, Is Unstoppable and Will Be Severe!, Per Strandberg, March 18, 2008
My suspicions have been deepened over the years by the climate movement’s totalitarian approach to opposing views, their demonizing of successful opponents and their opposition to the publication of opposing views even in scientific journals. The rewards for proper environmental behaviour are uncertain, unlike the grim scenarios for the future as a result of human irresponsibility, which have a dash of the apocalyptic about them. The immense financial costs true believers would impose on economies can be compared with the sacrifices offered traditionally in religion, and the sale of carbon credits with the pre-Reformation practice of selling indulgences. Some of those campaigning to save the planet are not merely zealous but zealots. - Cardinal Pell, 2011 Annual GWPF Lecture, Westminister Cathedral Hall, October 26, 2011
The overwhelming greenhouse gas is water vapor, 30 to 50 times more important than CO2.
CO2 attributed to man is minuscule.
Yet government-paid scientists claim HUMAN CO2 is the primary climate driver and must be eliminated to save the earth.
Cabon dioxide represents a little over 3% of the total atmosphere and methane is much less than that. Of that 3% mankind contributes about 3%. 95% of the carbon dioxide that enters the atmosphere every year is due to natural sources not mankind. Temperatures have gone up and down since the industrial revolution about 150 years ago. In fact, it was hotter in the 1930s than it is now.
Mankind did not contribute significant amount of CO2 to the atmosphere until after WWII. Immediately after WWII there was a cooling period through the early '70s, Scientists thought an ice age may have been beginning. Then temperatures rose from the late 70s to the late 90s. Scientists and politicians then thought this must me global warming.
Finally there has been a plateau in temperatures of the last 19 years. If there is no correlation between temperatures and increasing CO2, this is evidence that there is no correlation. It is known that there is correlation between sun cycles and temperatures for thousands, if not millions of years, however IPCC scientists do not understand why this is, so they ignore it. I think if there is a correlation for millennia with sun cycle and there is no correlation with increased CO2. These "scientists" should maybe try to figure out why. It is clear carbon dioxide is not a problem and will be beneficial because increased plant growth will be essential to feed a growing population.
The largest emitters of carbon dioxide are volcanic eruptions, forest and wild fires, and natural decomposition of plants and animals. Thankfully, ocean water has a great propensity for absorbing this gas, and, as ice melts, it means that the oceans can take in a great deal more CO2.
1. The biggest source of CO2 emissions is volcanic eruptions. At any given time, according to agencies such as the USGS, there are about 13-17 volcanoes erupting somewhere on Earth.
2. Next in line for emissions is the natural decomposition of plant life. CO2 that goes into the atmosphere does not stay there but is continually recycled by terrestrial plant life and earth's oceans.
3. The next biggest emitter of carbon dioxide is probably the ocean. CO2 that goes into the atmosphere does not stay there but is continually recycled by terrestrial plant life and earth's oceans-- the great retirement home for most terrestrial carbon dioxide.
4. Other large emitters of carbon dioxide are forest and wild fires.
If it weren’t for carbon dioxide (CO2), the earth could well be a frozen ball in space, and life, as we know it, would probably not be able to survive.
The greatest amount of CO2 is locked up in plants, rocks and the oceans. It should not be surprising that these each contribute more CO2 emissions than any other sources. This is a good thing, since there is a relatively stable and finite amount of both oxygen and carbon on this planet.
Water vapor is the overwhelming greenhouse gas [it is 30 to 50 times more important than carbon dioxide (CO2)], and CO2 attributed to man is minuscule. Yet government-paid scientists claim HUMAN-INDUCED CO2 is the primary climate driver and must be eliminated to save the earth. Of course man is prideful enough to think he is a major player when in actuality man is an insignificant producer of CO2.
Animals and mankind breathe in oxygen and breath out CO2, and their bodies also contain CO2 and carbon, which is released when they die and decompose. Man burns fossil fuels, which release CO2 as a byproduct. Animals and mankind don’t produce nearly as much carbon dioxide as the major producers, with the possible exception of the death and decomposition of animals.
The instrument temperature records since 1850 or so (until satellite measures started in the 1970s) which are used to prove human-induced global warming (AGW) have been shown to be inaccurate, unreliable, and tainted by numerous errors. Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor of Geology at Western Washington University, suggests that since the IPCC climate models are now so far off from what is actually happening, that their projections for both this decade and century must be considered highly unreliable.
In a Geological Society of America abstract by Dr. Easterbrook, data showed we were in a global warming cycle from 1977 to 1998, at which time we entered into a new global cooling period that should last for the next three decades. The Pacific Ocean has a warm temperature mode and a cool temperature mode, and in the past century has switched back and forth between these two modes every 25-30 years. This is known as the Pacific Decadal Oscillation or PDO. In 1977 the Pacific abruptly shifted from its cool mode (where it had been since about 1945) into its warm mode, and this initiated global warming from 1977 to 1998. The PDO typically lasts 25-30 years and assures North America of cool, wetter climates during its cool phases and warmer, drier climates during its warm phases. The establishment of the cool PDO in 1998, together with similar cooling of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), virtually assures several decades of global cooling and the end of the past 30-year warm phase.
PDO typically lasts 25-30 years:
1. 1945 - 1977: PDO cool phase (27 years)
2. 1977 - 1998: PDO warm phase (21 years)
3. 1998 - 2028: PDO cool phase (30 years)
Man is actually an insignificant producer of CO2, though he is prideful enough to think he is a major player.
A person may wonder where man and other animals fit into all of this. After all, animals breathe in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Their bodies also contain CO2 and carbon, which is released when they die and decompose. Man also burns fossil fuels, which do release CO2 as a byproduct. However, animals including man, don’t produce nearly as much carbon dioxide as the major producers, with the possible exception of the death and decomposition of animals.
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest."
- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy."
- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation
Global Warming Fraud Creates Third World Food Crisis
How saving the planet causes famine: the climate crisis melts away but global food shortage is legacy of the foolish rush to biofuels.Climate Change Dispatch
May 12, 2011
Evidence for dangerous, human-caused global warming was always slim, now it lies cruelly exposed both by a cruel blowback and it’s not just coming from within the science.
A far more devastating catastrophe is unfolding and it is entirely the product of the mad rush to biofuels: third world famine. Today a whopping 6.5 percent of the world’s grain has been stripped from the global food supply. That’s the kind of catastrophic cut in food supply that triggers a tipping point so that Third World hunger explodes into mass starvation.
Why did it happen?
Kalmanovitch accuses a small clique of self-serving climate researchers for violating the fundamental ethics of science protocol and propagating the false science that made the Kyoto Accord the international vehicle for crimes against humanity. Listening to his arguments you cannot help but see he has a point.
So what was the root catalyst for this cataclysm? Astonishingly, you can pin a lot of it on one well-intentioned but misguided do-gooder. His name: Professor James Hansen. Hansen was NASA’s bright-eyed scientist back in 1988. The eager climate modeler appeared before a Congressional Committee and prophesized that mankind would kill the planet if it continued to burn coal and gasoline at modern industrial rates.
Kalmanovich explains,
“When you look closely at the climate change issue it is remarkable that the only actual evidence ever cited for a relationship between CO2 emissions and global warming is climate models.”Hansen made unfounded and highly alarmist claims based on his computer forecasts. He predicted doomsday scenarios that panicked Congress and that wave of fear stampeded the world into believing in a non-existent crisis. Global temperatures have never rocketed as Hansen forecast. In fact all five global temperature datasets show zero net global warming over the past decade in spite of record increases in CO2 emissions from fossil fuels (climate scientists have now grudgingly conceded no statistically significant rise in temperatures has occurred since 1998 from their doomsaying). But once the stampede was launched it caused a rush to biofuels that stripped millions of crop acreage from the world’s food basket.
But more sickening is that many have made sizeable fortunes from trumpeting a short period of warming that lasted from (1975-1998); a vast international array of speculators in wind, solar, wave and biofuels alternatives are onboard the great global warming gravy train.
Hansen’s friends in the infant science of climatology have also fed well off government grants where the ‘climate change’ industry generates tens of billions annually in this self-perpetuating Ponzi scheme that symbiotically melded the interests of speculators with climate researchers.
But since Hansen’s watershed moment in 1988 the science has moved on and many independent scientists, not on the government grant gravy train, have cast their eyes over the numbers for carbon dioxide (CO2), the prime bogeyman of climate alarmism.
From physical measurement of the Earth’s radiative spectrum impartial eyes saw that the 14.77 micron band of the Earth’s thermal radiation accessed by CO2, is so close to saturation that it is a physical impossibility for any increase in that trace gas to have anywhere near the effect claimed.
Analysts then looked back at the natural warming since the 1830’s that ushered in the end of the Little Ice Age, a time 100 years before any scientist claims humans had impact on the climate. They say natural warming in the order of 0.5°Centigrade per century. We can calculate this to show that the maximum possible effect from CO2 increases is just 0.1°C per century of the claimed 0.6°C per century of the observed temperature increase.
Hansen and his self-serving followers in climatology conveniently chose to ignore such inconvenient truths. Kalmanovich seethes,
Kalmanovich’s findings have been corroborated by a group of independent scientists calling themselves the ‘Slayers’ who claim to have refuted the greenhouse gas effect.
“It shows rapid warming from 1910 to 1942 with only a trivial 14 per cent increase in CO2 emissions. That is followed by 33 years of a global cooling trend with a 500 percent increase in CO2 emissions from 1942 to 1975.”Greenhouse Gas Theory Falls ApartKalmanovich argues that is more than enough physical evidence to completely destroy the greenhouse gas theory. But that requires the doomsayers to accept numbers and scientific arguments that they have not yet been prepared to do.
The irony of this travesty is that Hansen himself never claims in absolute terms that CO2 emissions cause global warming. Kalmanovich notes,
“Hansen instead uses the output from his climate models to make this claim absolving him of having his statements challenged.”
Here is Kalmanovich in depth reasoning:
Americans are fast waking up to the harsh reality that this is all pain for no gain. There is stagnation in constructing conventional power generating sources in the wake of large government subsidies to wind and solar power generating facilities. That has dramatically increased power bills but has provided virtually zero additional peak power to consumers.
There is also a huge moral issue in the US. It removes more food from the global food supply than any other country in the manufacture of ethanol for fuel, making Americans key culprit in this crime against humanity. In the United States a staggering 39.7 percent of the world’s ethanol is created from crops that should be used as food.
The new moral question now to be posed is: if the US government was truly looking after the interests of the people then shouldn’t better investment ought to be made in natural gas and coal conversions to liquid fuels? That would bring the price of gas to under $2.50/gal. President Obama could then do away with subsidizing biofuels production, which only serves to raise the price of gas at the pumps and add to world hunger.
(The 85 billion litres of ethanol production comes from a compelling Marketwire article.
Why is 2011 the Critical Year?
Europe views 2011 as a critical year as member countries ramp up their production and use of ethanol to meet the European Union's Renewable Energy Directive. In this year alone, Europe is expected to produce 5.4 billion liters of ethanol that is a 15 per cent increase over 2010 (see table).
The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance promotes “biofuels friendly policies internationally and represent over 65 per cent of the global biofuels production from 44 countries.” They predict only growth in this voracious business and if their numbers are correct, a death sentence is being issued on millions more in the future.
(Note that these are imperial gallons and not U.S. gallons. This is why the 2010 value of 18,934 million gallons is 85,763 million liters and not 73,653 million liters as would be calculated for US gallons).
In this mad, bad crazy world western good intentions spawned a crime against humanity; the law of unintended consequences turned the Kyoto Accord into a perverse death sentence to millions. Now we must put an end to this genocide.
Climate Change is the Totalitarian’s Dream Come True
CNSNewsApril 22, 2010
For E. Calvin Beisner and his colleagues with the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation (CASC) every day is Earth Day because Christians are called by God to be good stewards of the planet and its inhabitants.
Beisner also believes that it is not carbon emissions but global warming activism and international climate treaties that are a threat to the nation’s future and the world’s poorest populations.
“Climate change is the totalitarian’s dream come true,” Beisner, founder of the CASC, said at a conference on Thursday at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. “It offers a rationale for government intrusion into every aspect of life for every person on Earth.”Beisner, who is also the national spokesman for the CASC, enjoys a distinguished career as teacher, author and speaker on the connection between religion and environmentalism.
Beisner painted a chilling picture of the consequences of the United States signing on to the kind of international climate change treaty proposed at a United Nations conference last year in Copenhagen.
“Global warming alarmists see each new human being in terms of his or her ‘carbon footprint,’ and already many are saying that the best way to fight global warming is for everyone to have just one child so that the population will shrink,” Beisner said.The enforcement of a U.N.-style treaty would mean a global government’s intrusion into how people live their private lives – “everything from the temperature at which you keep your house to whether to drive a large, crash-worthy vehicle or a small car that conserves fuel but is a death trap in an accident,” Beisner said.
In his speech, Beisner said that Christians should be concerned about global warming policies because they affect myriad issues, such as the sanctity of human life, individual liberty, the survival of free enterprise and free markets in the United States, compassion for the poor around the world, and a sovereign America with the kind of limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
Christians are commanded by God to care for the poor, which Beisner said would suffer the most from the kind of environmental controls and alternative energy plans proposed by both the United Nations and the U.S. Congress.
“The Bible requires us to care for the poor,” he said, detailing how the policies focused on cutting the use of fossil fuels, for example, will hurt the poorest people by increasing the cost of energy and limiting its availability in the world’s poorest places where access to abundant energy supplies can prevent disease and premature death.Beisner also said the cap-and-trade legislation proposed by Democrats in Congress to limit carbon emissions and allow the trading of “carbon credits” will harm an already struggling economy by killing jobs and slowing or even reversing economic growth.
“Global warming legislation is part of a concerted effort to push environmentalism to the fore in American politics and culture,” Beisner said. “And environmentalism is hardly limited to good stewardship of God-given natural resources.
“Secular environmentalism, in contrast to creation stewardship, is at heart a false religion,” Beisner said.
“It degrades human beings, the crown of God’s creation, deifies nature in its untouched state as the ideal – contrary to God’s mandate for man to fill, subdue, and rule the Earth – and disregards the poor, who often are harmed by environmental policies like banning DDT, a cheap and safe insecticide that could largely eliminate the malaria-bearing mosquitoes that cost millions of lives every year in the Third World,” he added.
Beisner said his organization late last year released a comprehensive research project, “A Renewed Call to Truth, Prudence, and Protection of the Poor: An Evangelical Examination of the Theology, Science, and Economics of Global Warming.”
This project, he said, “provides solid Biblical, scientific, and economic basis for not only rejecting belief in dangerous manmade global warming, but also for rejecting policies meant to fight it.”
Beisner ended his remarks by citing one of the founding principles of the CASC, which states that the Earth is not a fragile entity made randomly by chance but the creation of an almighty God, who sustains it.
“Raising the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration from 27 thousandths of one percent to 39 thousandths of one percent, or even to 108 thousandths of one percent, is not going to cause catastrophic global warming that will, as Al Gore puts it, threaten to destroy human civilization and wipe out 90 percent or more of all species,” Beisner said.
“Our God is a more intelligent designer than to make a system so fragile, and a better judge to call such a system ‘very good’ after he made it,” Beisner said.
The Global Warming Truth
Science is not the search for consensus; science is the search for truthFacts about Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
CO2 is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Plants absorb CO2 and emit oxygen as a waste product. Humans and animals breathe oxygen and emit CO2 as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is a nutrient, not a pollutant, and all life-- plants and animals alike-- benefit from more of it. All life on earth is carbon-based and CO2 is an essential ingredient. When plant-growers want to stimulate plant growth, they introduce more carbon dioxide.
CO2 that goes into the atmosphere does not stay there but is continually recycled by terrestrial plant life and earth's oceans-- the great retirement home for most terrestrial carbon dioxide.
If we are in a global warming crisis today, even the most aggressive and costly proposals for limiting industrial carbon dioxide emissions would have a negligible effect on global climate!
Of the 186 billion tons of CO2 that enter earth's atmosphere each year from all sources, only 6 billion tons are from human activity. Approximately 90 billion tons come from biologic activity in earth's oceans and another 90 billion tons from such sources as volcanoes and decaying land plants.
At 368 parts per million CO2 is a minor constituent of earth's atmosphere-- less than 4/100ths of 1% of all gases present. Compared to former geologic times, earth's current atmosphere is CO2- impoverished.
- The overwhelming greenhouse gas is water vapor, 30 to 50 times more important than CO2. Yet this component is not modeled with any accuracy in the GCMs.
- CO2 attributed to man is minuscule, about 6 to 7 Gigatons/yr, into an atmospheric GHG reservoir estimated between 720 and 760 Gigatons. Yet we are told it is the major driver of climate and must be eliminated to save the earth.
- The uptake of CO2 by the ocean is from 92 to 107 Gigatons/yr. There is uncertainty or an error of about ±7 Gigatons/yr, equal to the anthropogenic total. While the out gassing of CO2 from the oceans are from 90 to 103 Gigatons/yr, or an uncertainty error of about ±7 Gigatons/yr, again as large as the anthropogenic input. Yet we are told human CO2 is the major driver of climate and must be eliminated to save the earth, while the oceanic and even the soil components of sink vs. source of CO2 are so uncertain as to swamp the human inputs.
- The net difference between oceanic uptake and out gassing estimates is about 3 Gigatons/yr, but ±14 Gigatons/yr error. However, climatologists use a figure of 2 Gigatons/yr as their estimate of the oceanic uptake of the manmade CO2 of 7 Gigatons/yr., and thus claim human CO2 stays in the atmosphere many decades. Yet they claim human CO2 is the primary climate driver and must be eliminated to save the earth. How can this be as the error estimates again swamps the tiny human inputs?
- The instrument temperature records since 1850 or so (until satellite measures started in the 1970s) that are used to prove AGW have been shown to be inaccurate, unreliable, and tainted by numerous errors [anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is the myth of human-induced climate change]. Yet, we are told they show man's immediate impact on climate as CO2 rises (all .6 degrees C of it), thus it must be eliminated to save the earth.
The Major Sources for Carbon Dioxide Emissions
The largest emitters of carbon dioxide are:- volcanic eruptions,
- forest and wild fires, and
- natural decomposition of plants and animals.
This is a good thing, since there is a relatively stable and finite amount of both oxygen and carbon on this planet.
If it weren’t for carbon dioxide, the earth could well be a frozen ball in space, and life, as we know it, would probably not be able to survive.
By Rex Trulove,
Carbon dioxide is a common gas that comes from primarily natural sources, when a carbon atom combines with an oxygen molecule. It makes up a small, but important part of our atmosphere, which is primarily nitrogen and oxygen. Though only a small amount of the atmosphere is made of CO2, this is still a huge amount in weight and volume. It is reasonable to wonder what the major sources are.
The greatest amount of carbon dioxide is locked up in plants, rocks, and the oceans. It should not be surprising that these each contribute more CO2 emissions than any other sources.
The people who firmly believe that man is the biggest culprit may not take it happily, but the biggest source of CO2 emissions is volcanic eruptions. There is a huge amount of carbon dioxide locked up in rocks. As the rocks melt, they give up the gas, and this is expelled during the eruption. Often, the larger the eruption, the more carbon dioxide is released along with other gases, such as hydrogen sulfide.
1. At any given time, according to agencies such as the USGS, there are about 13-17 volcanoes erupting somewhere on Earth. This means that yearly, volcanoes spew out hundreds or even thousands of times more carbon dioxide than man is capable of producing, even if he tried. Man is actually an insignificant producer of CO2, though he is prideful enough to think he is a major player.
Thankfully, ocean water has a great propensity for absorbing this gas, and as ice melts, as it has done for the past 11,000 years, it means that the oceans can take in a great deal more CO2. Many of the volcanoes occur in the ocean, so it has a good chance to absorb a lot of this gas. Above the surface, though, the gas is vented into the atmosphere.
2. Next in line for emissions is the decomposition of plant life. This can be in the form of natural death and decay, forest fire, or even use and consumption. Plants contain a great deal of carbon dioxide and carbon. These are released as the plant dies and decomposes. (Oregon State agricultural extension service, Albany, Oregon)
According to Steve (last name withheld on request), retired thermal imaging specialist, the amount of CO2 released is staggering. One major forest fire can release nearly as much carbon dioxide as a moderate volcanic eruption. That is enormous compared to other sources of emissions, excluding volcanic eruption. (US Forest Service; western fire suppression center, Boise, ID)
3. The next biggest emitter of carbon dioxide is probably the ocean. It absorbs a great deal of the gas, however, the colder it is, the more it can hold. The bottom of the ocean contains water that is below the freezing point, but salinity and pressure prevent it from freezing. Contained CO2 tends to stay there for a long time.
However, in some places, like the Gulf of Mexico and in the Caribbean, surface waters get relatively hot, releasing carbon dioxide in the process. Colder polar waters offset this, because the gas is absorbed again, however this is still a major source of emissions.
4. A person may wonder where man and other animals fit into all of this. After all, animals breathe in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Their bodies also contain CO2 and carbon, which is released when they die and decompose. Man also burns fossil fuels, which does release CO2 as a byproduct. However, animals including man don’t produce nearly as much carbon dioxide as the major producers with the possible exception of the death and decomposition of animals.
5. Note that exact figures for the amount of CO2 released through the use of fossil fuels, is hard to come by. The figures tend to range from high to low, depending on sources, though not approaching that produced by volcanic eruption, by comparing the numbers to those given by the USGS and volcano researchers. The latter figures are available from the USGS website, and through the US national park system.
US Geological Survey
Oregon State University, Oceanography department
National Geographic Explorer
Volcanoes National Park
How Do We "Come Out of Confusion?"
In a Geological Society of America abstract, Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor of Geology at Western Washington University, presents data showing that the global warming cycle from 1977 to 1998 is now over and we have entered into a new global cooling period that should last for the next three decades. He also suggests that since the IPCC climate models are now so far off from what is actually happening, that their projections for both this decade and century must be considered highly unreliable. - Implications of PDO, NAO, Glacial Fluctuations, and Sun Spot Cycles for Global Climate in the Coming Decades (PDF)
Source: hadCRUT
Brandon T. Ward
January 4, 2010
Why do so many people find it difficult to come to the realization that there truly is a plan for global government? The Bible talks about a world government materializing before the end of this age, yet many remain oblivious to this fact. Why do so many people find it difficult to see through the lies we are fed concerning “climate change?”
I think there are some people who just refuse to believe any of the documentation on these subjects because they can’t handle it. They don’t want their boat to be rocked if you will. Then there are those who don’t even know it’s going on. They are too wrapped up in TV shows and the like. But there has to be another element to this.
And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. - II Thesselonians 2:10Do you have pleasure in unrighteousness? Or do you love God and His truth? If you love the Lord and His Word, He will keep you from believing a lie. Ask Him for knowledge; ask Him for wisdom.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. - II Thesselonians 2:11
That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. - II Thesselonians 2:12
In July, the Pope called for world government by stating that we needed a “true world political authority.” In December, the Pope made the following statement:
"It is important to acknowledge that among the causes of the present ecological crisis is the historical responsibility of the industrialized countries."The Pope should understand that “climate change” is a lie, it’s not something man has caused; rather, it’s the natural cycles of the sun and its effect on our planet. The Pope continued by saying:
"This means that technologically advanced societies must be prepared to encourage more sober lifestyles, while reducing their energy consumption and improving its efficiency."This is all being done under the guise of “climate change;” let the world unite as one to stop this disaster, we are told.
Meanwhile, the past few years have brought us stories with titles like these: Beijing, coldest in 40 years, Iowa temps 'a solid 30 degrees below normal, Vermont sets 'all-time record for one snowstorm,' and World copes with Arctic weather. This is nothing man caused, but is the natural cycle of things.
While world leaders were meeting in Copenhagen to discuss “climate change,” a blizzard came down on their heads. It seems every time there is some “climate change” meeting there is always snow. I have noticed this in the United States, where the government has discussed this same topic. Divine joke? Pretty coincidental if you ask me.
While man-made “climate change” has been discovered to be officially a scam with the recent release of emails by climate scientists, people are still clinging to the idea, as we see with the Pope, among others (No the Pope is not the antichrist; we will be covering this topic very soon). Obama’s science officials have defended the false notion of man-made “climate change” even after the release of these emails.
If you are old enough to remember, in 1975 the government pushed the idea of a new “ice age!” That didn't happen either, did it?
With all of the information readily available about the falsification of climate change, the world's governments still band together to try and change something they have no effect on, nor can change. Don't you find that intriguing? The real agenda is for a global government or new world order, if you will. With that said, we should take steps to help reduce pollution, which does affect all of us. That doesn't mean we need world government!
So what did United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton do? Donate 100 billion of your tax dollars to the scam known as “global warming.” Did you get a say in it? Of course not, neither did you when it came to the trillions of dollars corporations and banks received in the recent bailouts. Folks, this is all by design.
So with all of this information so readily available, why is it so difficult for some to see the truth? That not only “climate change” is a lie, but it’s part of the big push for a new world order, global government, or whatever you wish to call it. If you can’t see through these lies, man’s lies, how will you ever stand against Satan and his lies? As we are told, the antichrist (Satan) will do great wonders when he arrives on earth.
And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. - Revelation 13:13Therefore, how can we come out of confusion? By asking the Lord for wisdom and understanding, as Proverbs 2:6 declares:
And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast. - Revelation 13:14
"For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.”
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