Do John Podesta and Tony Podesta Have a Connection with Missing Child Madeleine McCann?

John Podesta
American political consultant who served as White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton from October 20, 1998 - January 20, 2001; counselor to Obama from January 1, 2014 - February 13, 2015, and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2016. Skippy is a suspected pedophile as well.
Tony Podesta
Tony Podesta is an American lobbyist best known for founding the Podesta Group. He has been named one of Washington's most powerful lobbyists and fundraisers. Tony and his group are under federal investigation for compliance with the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
TSA and Airplanes
3 Nov 2017 - 5:33:30 PM
Where is John Podesta?
Where is Tony Podesta?
Did one or both escape the country and was let out?
What is the difference between commercial and private re: security clearance for departure?
Who is the TSA head?
Which party did he contribute to?
What is of particular interest when researching?
How does Homeland Security interact w/ TSA?
What updated post 9-11 protocols were put in place to prevent/stop inbound/outbound C-level targets?
What local airports are in close proximity to DC?
What happened shortly after 9-11 (specifically with all aircraft)?
Who was authorized to depart? ONLY 1 PLANE was authorized during this 'mandatory forced grounding'.
Who SPECIFICALLY authorized this?
What airport did the departure take place at?
Why is this relevant?
How does it tie together?
Podesta's plane has military escort (i.e. tag) and is being diverted (forced down).
Short delay.
This will be leaked.
Watch the news.
Have faith.
What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?
Why is this relevant?
What was stated in the past?
Where did the $18b from Soros go?
Can it be used by bad actors (escape, bribes, rogue contractors, etc.)?
Slush fund?
Did the US gov't seize/stop/track other slush funds that prevent or create risk to operate?
Why did Jared Kushner travel to Saudi Arabia recently?
What is SA known for?
Where do the biggest donations originate from?
Why is this relevant?
What else is relevant w/ SA?
Safe harbor?
Port of transfer?
Why was there a recent smear campaign against JK and POTUS?
Why is the timing important?
Who released the article?
The council of Wizards & Warlocks cannot be defeated.
Nice view up here.
Pedogate / Human Trafficking
Pedogate is child trafficking and pedophilia that is rampant among elites in government, Hollywood and elsewhere. It also covers child abductions (Haiti / Red Cross) for satanic rituals and human sacrifice (Epstein Island). The pedo networks are being dismantled by POTUS and allies world wide (3,000+ children saved in Saudi Arabia alone). Adam Schiff's district in CA is a hot spot for child trafficking in the USA. The Clinton Foundation is also linked to human trafficking worldwide.
Hollywood / Stars
Hollywood is an extension of Project Mockingbird (CIA brainwashing / psyop). Hollywood helps shape the D's narrative along with the mainstream media (MSM). Movies are made to glorify past events and whitewash any wrongdoing. Hollywood is filled with abused/enslaved children who grew up in the system. They thought the SHEEP (general population) would follow the stars.
North Korea Not Run by Kim
1 Nov 2017 - 2:13:10 AM
Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim; he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.
The pedo networks are being dismantled.
The child abductions for satanic rituals (i.e. Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).
We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.
North Korea
North Korea (NK) was not run by Kim Jung-un. NK was a CIA black ops site. NK was used by the Cabal/NWO as leverage over other countries and for protection. The NK nuclear threat was real (NK had miniaturization tech in 2004 and ICBM tech in 2009). NK received uranium via the Uranium One scandal. NK received missile/nuke tech from Operation Merlin (Nasa/SpaceX/SAPs) and received funding as part of the Iran deal. NK was to be the war engine to ignite World War III. This was the biggest cover-up in our history and POTUS stopped it ALL. NK is now FREED from CIA control and on the path to peace!
Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un is a North Korean politician serving as Supreme Leader of North Korea since 2011 and Leader of the Workers' Party of Korea since 2012. Kim was freed from CIA control in 2017 and is now making amends with POTUS and the whole world.
The revelation that pedophile Clement Freud was in Praia da Luz the year Madeleine went missing, and is now named as a child abuser, will be a 'shock' to the McCanns. A source close to the couple said: 'It certainly raises a lot of questions. They will be appalled to hear the details.' [Source]
By Angie, Victurus Libertas

This may blow your mind. Of all the conspiracies the “conspiracy theorists” have come up with in the past several years, they never even came up with anything CLOSE to the reality of what is really going on- worldwide.

Interesting Photo Has Emerged
I know that was a long introduction, but I just wanted to make sure everyone is caught up, and it allowed me to explain how we arrived to this point. I received this picture from a VL follower on FB:

According to progressive police sketches, the picture to the right is what

Madeleine Beth McCann (born 12 May 2003) disappeared on the evening of 3 May 2007 from her bed in a holiday apartment in Praia da Luz, a resort in the Algarve region of Portugal, sparking what one newspaper called “the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history”. Her whereabouts remain unknown.
Clement Freud’s Praia da Luz Mansion
This is the $1 million mansion belonging to Clement Freud, that sits only 1/3 of a mile from where Madeleine was abducted. While searching for their daughter, the McCann’s were invited to this house many times by Freud, claiming it would get them out of the glaring media.
“I have a house in P da L,” he wrote. “Been ashamed of the intrusion into your lives by our media and if you would care to come to lunch/dinner at any time before Wednesday next, do ring and let me know. I cook decent meals.”
At one of their visits to the mansion, Mrs. McCann has been quoted as saying: “He gave me one of his looks and a giant glass of brandy, and managed to get a smile out of me with his greeting: ‘So Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?’ “
Freud’s Kidnappings and Molestations
Freud’s mansion’s location to where Madeleine was abducted is shown on the map to the right.
She was very alarmed when she realized Freud’s connection to the Madeleine case, after she read about it in a book Kate McCann wrote. She reported her concerns to her local police force in Suffolk, and her son wrote to the Metropolitan Police to pass on his mother’s account and concerns over Freud’s connection to the McCann’s. They received no response, according to
Here is a police sketch of Madeleine’s abductors:

Do these guys look familiar at all?
John and Tony Podesta?
How about this?
One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madaline McCann vanished.

Distance from 5a to the Freud residence, ~1200 yards/1.1 km by foot.
In this picture of the McCanns jogging, they have just passed Freud's villa.

Purple = McCann's apartment; Green = Smith Sighting; Red = Clement's Villa
Madeleine McCann may have been taken to a luxury villa just half a mile from where she was abducted, Portuguese detectives were told
By James Murray and Ted Jeory,
May 24, 2009
Suspicions were raised because of the behaviour of the people who rented the £1million villa and because video cameras were reportedly seen there along with pictures of children on a wall, the Sunday Express has learned.
Our revelations come as West Yorkshire police prepare to fly to Germany to question 64-year-old convicted paedophile Raymond Hewlett over a sex attack on a girl 25 years ago.
Retired detectives working for Kate and Gerry McCann are also hoping to interview Hewlett to ask him directly whether he knows anything about three-year-old Madeleine’s abduction.
Hewlett is in intensive care at a German hospital recovering from an operation for throat cancer. In the last 24 hours his condition has worsened and there are concerns he may have only days to live.
If well enough, it is expected he will be asked if he ever met paedophiles in the Algarve town of Praia da Luz around the time Madeleine vanished.
One theory the McCanns’ investigators are examining is whether there was a paedophile ring operating in the area two years ago.
The Sunday Express has been conducting intensive inquiries in the resort town and asked scores of people if they saw anyone acting suspiciously.
One elderly British resident told us both she and a friend, a retired British woman detective, went to Portuguese police about a couple who rented the villa, which has its own swimming pool.
The resident told us: “I used to meet up with the retired detective to walk our dogs down by the seafront. Both of us became concerned about a couple aged about 30 who rented the villa.
“What struck us was that they drove a very tatty, British-registered small red saloon car. It was one those vehicles you would normally see on a gypsy camp, not going in and out of a very expensive villa.
“We only saw them coming and going in the car and not walking about, which is odd given the location of the villa. We both got the impression they were trying to keep a low profile.’’
Another source said that after Maddie disappeared, search teams combed the seafront, where luxury villas stand next to large areas of barren land.
Anglican priest Paul Luckman, owner and publisher of Portugal News, said: “The location and description of that villa mentioned by your source fits the one that a searcher told me about.
“The searcher told me the villa was empty and somehow they got inside some weeks after Madeleine disappeared.
“The search dog handler said the villa had a room with a kind of amateur studio with video equipment and cameras with children’s toys and pictures of children on the wall.
“He felt it was something to do with paedophiles. He told the police and they seemed to know something about it, but we don’t think they took it any further.”
The Sunday Express took him to the villa and he confirmed that it fits the description and location of the one he was told about.
Although we know where it is, we are not naming the villa for legal reasons as we have been unable to locate the owner.
The British woman resident said: “I know the owner was contacted after we raised our concerns with the police.
"The person was angry because she said she did not know the people who rented it and was annoyed about being contacted by detectives.
"We heard nothing more about it. The day after Maddie disappeared the couple moved out and we didn’t see them again.
“There was an older woman in a very expensive car who visited them during their stay.”
The McCanns’ private investigators have been conducting surveillance on several properties for some time. Retired detective inspector Dave Edgar returned from Portugal on Friday night and is pursuing a number of leads he is not prepared to discuss.
Meanwhile, paedophile Hewlett is said to be suffering internal bleeding.
A doctor at the Aachen hospital where he is being treated said: “He is very poorly. Fluid has been seeping into his lungs. He cannot speak. The next few days will be critical.”
Connections between Podesta's brothers and Freud's brother: The Madeleine Mc Cann story (pizzagate)
By Kodo,
December 3, 2016
To the point : I think one of the key to pizzagate is connecting Clement Freud to the Podesta brothers, because it will link them to the McCann story.
So far I could just find that an anon FBI informant connected them:
One of our FBI insiders can confirmed the Intelligence community indicates John and Tony Podesta were in Praia da Luz, Portugal on May 3rd 2007– the day Madeleine McCann vanished. The Podesta brothers were staying with a friend named “Clem.” Clement Freud, the grandson of psychopathology sex expert Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was known to be a pedophile
Lucian Freud (the brother) is an artist that painted this. I have seen this during my pizzagate investigation but I can't recall where, please help me out. Is it in Tony's art collection?
Lucian Freud is married to an Epstein, daughter of Jacob. Is there a link betweeen Jacob Epstein and Jeffrey?
Matthew Freud, Clement's son, is in Epstein's black book.
Gerry McCann spent 5 days in Washington 2 month after Maddie's disappearance (22 to 26 July). He met Ernie Allen, CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Is there a connection between Ernie Allen and Podesta?
Thanks a lot to Lostandfound who pointed out that Sarah Latham (Podesta's chief of staff) was PR director at Freud Communication run by Matthew Freud!
This is on going, I'll update with my findings.
[–] Gothamcity
Rupert Murdochs daughter is married to Matthew Freud. Holy crap I didn't know that Epstein family was married in to the Freuds too! Also, Nicole Kidman is godmother to some of Ruperts grandchildren. Her dad was accused of being a massive pedo and there was a YouTube video where a woman says Anthony Kidman was involved in ritualistic abuse and murder and that Nicole was there as a child.
[–] LostandFound
Sara was John's cheif of staff
She was also the PR director at Freud Communications run by Freud's Grandson Matthew.
Clement is Freud's son.
So Podesta's chief of staff was Director level in Freud communications which is run by Matthew.
[–] Jem777
I am the poster who tied all these people together earlier regarding McCann. Freud Podesta Epstein Soros Kidman etc. I originally posted awhile back about the Tavistock Institute this is the key or a major key. Formed during the end of WW11 known to have a history involving experiments. Numerous psychoanalysts originated here or have history here I. E. Freud. Scientists from Germany during that time from here. After the war brought to the USA continued some work "monarch program'. Secret societies. My last post on this was removed. FBIanon said this was one of the motherloadsbthe Tavistock Institute it's connections to the elite what it does in secret what it has done historically. Soros is a big part of this.
[–] 0101buckyballs0101
Podesta and Murdoch have ties to Azerbijan
"The Podesta Group, a D.C.-based lobbying and public relations outfit founded by Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta, the current special advisor to the Obama administration, has been the registered agent of the Azerbaijani Embassy for several years. On January 1, 2014, the group inked a new agreement to receive $50,000 a month from the embassy, plus expenses to provide "strategic counsel to Azerbaijan on strengthening its ties to the United States government and institutions." This agreement, which was signed by Elin Suleymanov, the Azerbaijani ambassador to the United States, and Anthony Podesta, the head of the Podesta Group, was amended on April 15, 2014, to encompass "additional services" defined as performing "public relations services for Azerbaijan." It is good through July 14, 2014.
"Enter Matthew Freud, the son-in-law of Rupert Murdoch and head of the London-based PR firm Freud Communications. Having reportedly rejected contracts from Libyan strongman Muammar al-Qaddafi 10 times, and from ousted Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak five times, Freud was clearly more amenable to a request for representation by the Azeri dauphine. In 2011, he organized what the British satirical weekly Private Eye called "a caviar-rich London party" to "launch" Aliyeva in British high society. Guests at this soirée included Lord Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair's onetime political svengali; Freud's wife and Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth; Lord Browne, the former head of BP; Ed Vaizey, the current British culture minister; Stuart Rose, formerly the top man at Marks & Spencer; and Evgeny Lebedev, the Russian oligarch proprietor of the Independent and Evening Standard newspapers."
Murdoch yacht Rosehearty
"The Murdoch yacht is called Rosehearty. It flies the Portuguese flag."
Worth reading for extra context
Vertical info on "Freud"
Matthew Freud went to school in Hampstead
"Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law never ate chalk at our Hampstead prep school in the 1970s."
Freud's UK "roots" are in Hampstead
"Hampstead has a statue of Freud at the Tavistock Clinic; and the Freud Museum; and the Anna Freud Centre."
"Hampstead "just happens to be subject to a cover up
October 5, 2013
Portugese detectives are now working on the theory that British paedophiles active in the resorts of the Algarve were responsible
Madeleine McCann was snatched by a paedophile ring, it was claimed yesterday after a fresh police probe.
A team of six Portuguese detectives are investigating the theory that the three-year-old girl was taken by a gang in the Algarve.
An unnamed source said in a Portuguese newspaper yesterday: “The work of the Policia Judiciaria inspectors is based on a line of investigation which points to paedophile rings in the Algarve.”
A number of convicted British paedophiles thought to have been in Portugal when Madeleine vanished are also believed to feature in a new list of 41 potential suspects drawn up by the Met.
Paedophile networks with UK connections are believed to have been operating in Portugal for years because of lax sex offence laws. It is one of only two countries in Europe without a sex offenders’ register.
The Portuguese claim comes after Met Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said he too has a new theory about Maddy’s disappearance.
Scotland Yard has raised hopes of a breakthrough after an unprecedented “targeted attack” on the phone data of holidaymakers from 31 countries in the Praia da Luz area on May 3, 2007, when she went missing.
They have found three more potential suspects than before.
Kate McCann wrote of her fear that her daughter was KIDNAPPED by a PAEDPHILE in her 2011 book.
She ACCUSSED Portuguese police of covering up a series of child abuse cases before Maddy vanished.
The McCanns were first warned of an alarming number of Algarve incidents by British consul Bill Henderson.
Kate discovered five cases of British children being sexually abused in their beds while on holiday.
She wrote: “It broke my heart to read the terrible accounts of devastated parents and the experiences of their poor children. What these cases do demonstrate however, is that British tourists in holiday accommodation were being targeted.
“It is so hard not to scream from the rooftops about how these crimes appear to have been brushed under the carpet.”
An artist’s impression of a man who may have abducted Madeleine was released six months after she went missing. The image, drawn by an FBI-trained forensic artist, shows a dark-haired man walking with a child cradled in his arms.
Suspect: this image of a man carrying a child was released after Madeleine went missing
Kate and Gerry posed with a computer-generated image of what Madeleine might look like on the fifth anniversary of her disappearance last year.
The picture, created with the McCann family, shows how she would look aged nine.
The couple will appear in a TV appeal in light of “fresh, substantive material’ unearthed by the Metropolitan Police probe.
And police are expected to reveal a new theory that they say will give a “different understanding” about the case.
The Crimewatch programme, which will be screened on October 14, will feature a reconstruction of the events on the night of Madeleine’s disappearance.
Equivalent programmes in Germany and the Netherlands, where most other tourists in Praia da Luz come from, will also broadcast the material.
Madeleine McCann 'was snatched by Algarve-based paedophile ring', claims Portuguese paper
By Daily Mail (article was taken offline shortly after publication)
October 2, 2013
- Maddie 'was snatched by Algarve-based paedophile ring', Portuguese paper claims as police contact ALL tourists staying in Praia da Luz when she disappeared
- Correio da Manha says new inquiry 'points to paedophile ring in Algarve'
- A team of six Portuguese detectives are now said to be working on theory
- Met officers now plan to make a list of everyone at resort at the time
- Anyone at Praia da Luz resort in 2007 may get a call from officers
- A £5m case review lead to a 'new theory' about to be aired on Crimewatch
- Appeal on October 14 will be first time McCann's and Portuguese police have stood side by side since parents were named as suspects in case
The daily newspaper Correio da Manha says a team of six Portuguese detectives are making further inquiries based on the premise that the three-year-old from Leicestershire was taken by a professional gang working in the popular tourist region.
The report quoted unnamed sources saying: 'The work of the Policia Judiciaria inspectors is based on a line of investigation which points to paedophile rings operating in the Algarve.'
The theory was put forward as it emerged that thousands of tourists worldwide are to get a call from police investigating the little girl's disappearance in 2007.
Scotland Yard is trawling through phone records of holidaymakers from more than 30 countries who were staying in the Algarve resort of Praia da Luz when the three-year-old went missing during a family holiday.
The mammoth task comes ahead of a television appeal by Kate and Gerry McCann in light of ‘fresh, substantive material’ unearthed by the Metropolitan Police investigation into their missing daughter.
Detectives revealed yesterday that they have an important ‘new theory’ which is due to be unveiled in a BBC Crimewatch appeal featuring a reconstruction of her disappearance.
The appeal on October 14, which will be first time that the McCanns have stood shoulder to shoulder with police since they were wrongly declared suspects by the Portuguese investigation, is seen as highly symbolic.
Detective Chief Inspector Andy Redwood, who is leading the Met’s review into the case, claims they have identified ‘genuinely new’ leads and ‘substantially different’ material after a two-year, £5million review.
Gerry McCann has been in Lisbon this week to pursue a libel action against a former Portuguese police chief who claims he and his wife covered up the girl's death
He believes a vast database of mobile phone traffic in Praia da Luz around the time she went missing could hold the key to the mystery.
Detectives want to use the data to build a comprehensive picture of who was in the resort for the first time.
They have sent letters of request to 31 countries asking police to help identify thousands of holidaymakers, local residents and workers visiting or living in the village from the vast phone log collated between April 28 and May 3, 2007.
Officials in mostly northern European countries, including Portugal, are being asked to check criminal records and evidence logs for the mobile phone numbers, although police admit it may be virtually impossible to trace the owners of pay as you go phones six years on.
Detectives hope the log will be the source of new witnesses as well as identifying any known sex offenders in the area at the time, even though 99 per cent of those numbers are likely to represent innocent holidaymakers and locals.
The data shows a timeline of calls made and their destination, although it does not include text messages.
The log was recovered by the Portuguese police although it has never been properly analysed due to the sheer scale of the task.
Praia da Luz has a population of more than 3,000 residents living over an area of eight square miles, but in the summer months that number swells as mainly British, German and Dutch tourists flock to the popular beach resort.
Police say they are having to do it ‘the hard way' comparing the inquiry, named Operation Grange, to ‘finding a needle in a haystack’, as more traditional methods of capturing evidence such as CCTV were not available in the coastal town.
Mr Redwood said: ‘We are doing it the hard way quite frankly. This is not just a general trawl, this is a targeted attack in relation to that database to see if it assists us in finding out what happened to Madeleine McCann at that time.
‘A lot of the focus is not necessarily to find a suspect, but also witnesses. We’re trying to understand who was there for a range of reasons.
‘If you were in Praia da Luz at the time, you may get a routine phone call from the police.’
Madeleine went missing from an apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3, 2007, as her parents dined with friends at a nearby tapas restaurant.
The shambolic Portuguese inquiry into her disappearance was shelved in 2008.
But in a crucial step forward, Portuguese police have now appointed six detectives to help British police investigate 41 ‘persons of interest’ scattered across Europe.
Fifteen of those suspects are British, but detectives say they are close to eliminating three individuals from their inquiries.
The new team of senior detectives operating from Faro have been given permission to interview suspects, take statements and conduct their own inquires, although the Portuguese have refused to reopen their own investigation.
Scotland Yard began a Home Office-funded review in 2011 following the intervention of David Cameron.
Operation Grange, which is now a full-scale investigation, has amassed 39,148 documents, of which 21,614 have been processed so far, relating to information from Portuguese Police, eight private investigators and other British forces, such as Leicestershire Police.
More than 4,900 fresh lines of inquiry have been created.
Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley, of the Metropolitan Police, said officers had a ‘new theory’ about her disappearance.
On the forthcoming Crimewatch appeal he said: ‘There is new information not previously presented. Fresh, substantive material upon which to make an appeal.
‘It’s substantially different. It’s not just a bland ‘can you help us’ appeal, there is some different material and a different understanding to be presented.’
He also said equivalent Crimewatch programmes made in Holland, Germany and possibly Ireland, will be broadcast.
Clarence Mitchell, the McCanns’ spokesman, said: ‘Kate and Gerry remain very grateful to the Met for the work they are doing in liaison with the Portuguese authorities.
‘Their forthcoming appearance on Crimewatch is an important stage in that ongoing process. Naturally, they hope it will lead to information that will provide the breakthrough to finding Madeleine.’
Sir Clement Freud exposed as a paedophile as police urged to probe Madeleine McCann links
President Trump Press Conference
March 22, 2020
In the press conference Trump announced: 'We were able to get a young woman released from a certain area who was being horribly accosted, horribly treated.'
He said that General Mark Milley, the highest-ranking officer in the US military, 'took care of it' and that he 'does not play games.'
'We went in and we got her out, but that was rough stuff,' he said.
Trump refused to go into more detail, saying that it was being kept 'somewhat private.'
He said: 'We got her out and she's OK, and she's back with her parents.'
He thanked Milley 'and all the people involved and people who went in to get her.'
Clinton Fixer John Podesta Lashes Out at President Trump For Attacking Crooked Tony Podesta
By Cristina Laila
February 12, 2020
John Podesta, a longtime Clinton fixer and brother to Tony Podesta, lashed out at President Trump Wednesday morning.Whatever happened to Hillary campaign manager Podesta’s BROTHER? Wasn’t he caught, forced to leave his firm, with BIG BAD things to happen? Why did nothing ever happen to him, only to the “other” side?— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 12, 2020
John Podesta is one of the dirtiest people in DC (and that’s saying a lot).
President Trump was on a rampage Tuesday night after Mueller’s prosecutors recommended Roger Stone serve 7-9 years in prison for process crimes.
Shortly after President Trump TORCHED Demon Judge Amy Berman Jackson, he turned his ire toward Tony Podesta.
John Podesta attacked Trump Wednesday morning and defended his crooked brother who was given immunity by Mueller and protected by the Deep State.
Here are the cold, hard facts on Tony Podesta:
In September, federal prosecutors ended their investigation into Tony Podesta for his Ukrainian lobbying efforts and failing to file a FARA [Foreign Agents Registration Act] form in a timely manner.
Tony Podesta, who was the chairman of the now-defunct Podesta Group, is a well-connected Democrat and brother to John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman.
Former special counsel Robert Mueller also gave Tony Podesta immunity to testify against Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort.
“In other words, for a near identical crime, Bill and Hillary’s friend could escape and emerge completely unscathed while Paul Manafort may rot in jail. Only one of them made the mistake of chairing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign,” Tucker Carlson said in the summer of 2019.

BREAKING: Tony Podesta Creepy Photos Leaked!, uploaded by Black Pilled